Friday, January 21, 2011

Xbox Live, Hickeys and Keith Olbermann. Yes, Those Three Things At Once.

I want to start my weekend post by stating that I am in a strange mood; one that swirls about, without form or function, and crashes into everything in sight.  I thought that I would preface tonight’s post with that consideration for the people that read this and wonder where I might be going with my statements and inquisitive conjectures. 
Now for the topics at hand:
I am a nerd. There, I said it.  I am damn proud to be a nerd as well. Just like Robert Carradine and Anthony Edwards, I say it proudly.  Recently, in my fantasy world of flying horses and mystical creatures, I began to play online video games on my Xbox 360.  I wanted to play online, since I have a lot of personal time to myself and I am not too interesting all the time, and began to play Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.  I believe that the pundits say that it is the most played game online in the history of online gaming. I’ll check with the creator of the internet to see if I am correct. Al, what is your perspective.  Thanks for that.  Now, on to my point.  I have been playing online for a little over 3 months and have realized that the language and behavior of the people on the microphone is unbearable and really makes you question why you went online to play anyways.  Racism is a terrible thing.  I am reminded of it consistently.  People that sit and play online games use racist rhetoric because no one can see your face.  It goes back to the whole principle of saying certain things in private when no one sees you and saying things like this in public.  I know that some parents would be ashamed if they heard what was being said over a headset.  I hope that they don’t kiss their wives, girlfriends, or parents with that mouth.  Maybe they chew Orbit gum or something before but that doesn’t make it any better.  I am not someone who is going to preach about morals and what you “should do”.  That isn’t me or my style and it is in no way my prerogative to tell you how to say or do anything.  People that play these games tend to use more riotous language than the worst people in the world, Pikeys. But that is another story.  Many parents these days buy video games and their respective systems for the kids ranging from 10-17 and that is fine, but they as parents have to realize that the language that they hear is worse than an “R” rated movie.  If you don’t allow your kids to see “R” rated movies, you buy them Xbox Live, and you remain blissfully ignorant to the gross amount of language that is spoken on there, then you are a bad parent. I give you this.  I have been called everything but a “man” on Xbox Live and some parents wonder where their kids are learning such language.  It’s not in schools, people.  It’s from other people on video games. If you disagree with me, you are a racist, homophobic, curse-word-o-phobe.
Point Deux:
Keith Olbermann used to be funny, in my opinion. 15 years ago he was doing ESPN’s Sportscenter.  Exhibit A. Exhibit B.  He is now leaving is widely successful show on MSNBC but for what reason and why not sooner.  Go back to doing sports, Keith, and stand down on your political agenda.  Your wit and commentary on politics was “blah” to me but you reading a teleprompter about how Vlad Guerrero jacked one over the left field wall was always good.  You’re good at commenting on sports.  Do that and don’t do politics, please.
Story of the Bizarre:
There is a woman in New Zealand that had temporary paralysis from a hickey.  A hickey.  Y’all know that thing that you try to hide when you go to work the next day because you are worried about the razzing that you are going to get and decide to wear a turtleneck to cover it up.  We know that you are covering it up.  I’ll razz you on the turtleneck in the spring time every time.  Some dude sucked so hard that he damaged the vessel in her neck, causing a clot to go right to her heart.  I guess that is one way to a woman’s heart, a stroke.  To this dude, I give this.
Here is a link to the article if you think I am joking:  

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