Monday, January 17, 2011

I Wrote this Blog Post, and all I got was this crappy T-Shirt.

My mind is a raging torrent, flooded with rivulets of thought cascading into a waterfall of creative alternative.  Yea, that sounds about right for the thoughts that I have today. 
Today is the 25th anniversary of the establishment of a day for the great civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.  Being a Memphian, the city is abuzz with people remembering the legacy of the good Dr. MLK.  I have a thought on the day as a whole.  The Third Monday in January is the day that is formally recognized by the Federal government as a holiday.  Everything closes in celebration of the holiday, which is nice for people to have that day off.  Banks, Post Offices, and other federal entities are closed for this day but why does only the federal and government jobs get the day off?  I know that my roommates had the day off, one being an accountant, and got to do things on their additional off day.  I personally don’t mind working at all on MLK day but shouldn’t the people that work on that day get holiday pay for working on a day when the government gets off and gets paid for it?  It seems backwards to me that the people that make this country run and run smoothly at times don’t get an ounce of holiday pay for working.  Big companies get holiday pay and an extra day off to enjoy to themselves but the hard working Americans that keep the country running don’t see any pay for the federal holiday that they work.  People that work on days that are recognized as federal holidays, like Memorial Day; Veterans Day; and Labor Day, should get the benefit of holiday pay for their work.

On a slightly different tangent:
I read today that they are creating a statue in the Oberhausen, Germany Aquarium for Paul the Octopus.  For the non-familiar, Paul was an octopus that correctly picked the German World Cup matches in the most recent World Cup as well as the Netherlands losing 1-0 to Spain in the final.  So, you have an octopus that picks the World Cup matches and picks correctly.  I DON’T CARE ABOUT THAT OCTOPUS! I would rather see it on my plate, covered and breading, fried and served with a side of cocktail sauce.  It’s a freaking Octopus, people.  They are making a statue of an octopus sitting on a soccer ball outside of the tank that he lived.  That is a bit much to this man, but whatever.  I have seen people do weirder things but people that act like this octopus was some sort of omniscient are ridiculous. Asking an octopus to prognosticate soccer matches is like asking Todd Day to pass a drug test. Twice.  So to you German Aquarium, I give you this.

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