Sunday, September 25, 2011


I have something that has been rattling around in my head for the last day or so.  It has been gnawing my mind.   So here we go *rising to my box of soap*:
                I understand that you are a fan of your team.  I truly understand because I am a fan as well.  They may be for different teams but I understand.  I get it.  But here is my point and issue that I have with it.  I cannot understand HOW, when someone who is neither for or against the teams that are playing in the game, can say something that points out the obvious and get slandered and maligned for making a simple observational comment.  It wasn’t an attack against you.  I could care less about either of the teams that are playing but when you come after me for making an obvious statement with harsh and attacking tones, I am not going to feel great about your demeanor.  Your statements of my character after a whimsical comment that I made were unsolicited and extremely wide of the mark.  Don’t take things that personal but I just don’t care that much.  You can say anything about my team, and I really mean it, but I am not going to take it personally as a slight against me.  You took it as a personal attack which, in fact, it wasn’t.  
Now for part two of this soap stone:
                The simple fact that your significant other is the one that provoked this whole situation is appalling.  It seems to me that you didn’t take it as such an attack but your 3rd arm did think that I was being too harsh.  I really enjoy the fact that your appendage sticks by you.  It is sweet and shows that there is genuine love and care there but if that appendage wants to attack and claw and fight me over a non-personal, non-aggressive comment then you need to man up.  After the initial comment and response, I apologized though I didn’t think that my comment was that personal or attacking.  For my efforts in apologizing, I was met with more insults and concentrated fire on myself as a person.  I am very disappointed that your reaction was hostile toward me because you thought I was attacking.  All of it began with a text message after this play (begin this video at 4:13) with this as my statement.  Is it really that personal, I think not.  Simply observational.  Don’t be so touchy because it will come to haunt you in the end.  Please believe that.
I believe that I have vented well enough to climb down from the soap factory.  I feel a bit better.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My Life at a Glance: The Last 9 Months

                It has been quite some time since I wrote anything or posted just because of the nature of my lifestyle.  I try to be honest and open about my life to those who question but always it isn’t all that it seems.  In the last 7 months, I have run every gamut of emotions and every feeling possible.  In this time, I have changed my life for what I feel is better.  I will run down a list of things that have happened to me that have shaped my life in the last 7 months.  I hope that y’all understand my state of mind. 
                I began a diet back in January when I woke up around and went to shower.  I walked by the large mirror in the bathroom and felt so repulsed by my image that I decided then to help myself.  The next few months, I was able to shed some weight and I began to feel better about myself.  I began this trip and transformation at a whopping 322 pounds.  After nine months of dieting, I weight a spry 250 pounds.  People say that I look better and I know that I look better than I did (though I hold myself in low self-esteem to being with).  My “Battle with the Bulge” will be a life long struggle because of my family’s genetic composition.  I am more built like my mother’s side of the family and mom’s family is generally bigger people.  Now, though I am watching what I eat, my diet hasn’t stopped me from the goods of the southern pallet (e.g. fried chicken, BBQ, et. al.) that I love.  I just have to love in moderation.  I have also still been drinking throughout the whole thing so I haven’t given up everything that I can and do enjoy.  My goal for the end of the year is to be back at 240 again but I am not going to cry and moan if I can only get to where I am because I am proud of where I am now. 

                Recently, I also, in an attempt to better my life, am quitting smoking.  (I know, dieting and quitting smoking at the same time is nuts but when have I been normal, yanno?)  After I noticed that I was going through around a pack and a half each day, I realized my addiction and decided to address it head on.  My goal is to be smoke free by the end of the year.  I have had some help.  I purchased on of those e-cigarettes from the internet.  By having this on my person at all times, I was and am able to cut my cigarette intake from 25-30 a day to 7-9 a day.  I have done this in 3 weeks with the assistance of the e-cigarette.  The e-cigarette works the same as dieting in that when you diet, self-help books tell you to eat 5 small meals or whatever to curb your appetite.  I use the e-cigarette the same way.  Instead of going and getting another whole cigarette, I take a hit or two from the e-cigarette and the craving is calmed, thus elongating the time between real cigarettes.  I was spending around 35-40 dollars per week on smokes but now I am down to 12 bucks per week.  I think that I can do this with help and with self-motivation. 

                In the same vein of changing lifestyles, I am going to get a new car.  The Tahoe, as much as I love it, represented an old part of my life.  One with cigarettes and gluttony.  My Tahoe is large and bulky and it carries around a lot of stuff that is not needed in my life.  I will also mention that my Tahoe gets around 17 miles/gallon and at 80 bucks a week or so gets expensive.  My truck is the main reason that I don’t travel too much and visit my brother or my friends that live in other states.  I, thankfully, have found a car that I fit in and really like.  My new car will be a VW Passat TDI (which is the diesel model).  The Passat gets 30 miles/gallon in the city and 40+ miles/gallon on the highway.  It’s a clean burning diesel and doesn’t produce all that smoke that is normally associated with diesels.  After I procure this automobile, I will be traveling more to visit friends because I can.

                Now for another note.  Here are some of the things that I have been listening to that have kept me sane (or insane for that matter).
                                The Dear Hunter “The Complete Color Spectrum”:  I saw this band live when they opened for Coheed and Cambria last year and I was awaiting this album for the longest.  The CD is 36 songs long and each song is related to a different color of the spectrum and how that color makes you feel.  Sheer brilliance in my opinion.
                                Volbeat: Danish hard rock band with some popular songs.  I recommend “Fallen” and “A Warrior’s Call” but there is a hidden gem on their first mainstream American record where they cover “I’m So Lonesome I Could Cry” by Hank Williams.
                                Rise Against: American punk band that is angst in a note.  For good old fashioned American Rock, I suggest giving them a listen.
                                Black Tide: A band from Miami that are 20 and 21 years old.  They are new metal and completely shred.  Their new album “Post-Mortem” has some good ones but one in particular “That Fire” really rocks and melts faces
                                Operator: A band that only put out one CD but if you liked Chris Cornell, give them a listen.  The lead singer is a dude named Johnny Strong (no joke) and was in some movies, his biggest being the first Fast and Furious movie.  He was Leon if that helps.

                I hope that I can do more of these posts.  Most of my posts will be opinion and observational posts as they come to me.  I hope that this is a good read and helps to understand where I am at the moment.